Home Heating System

Tips to Choose the Right Heating System During Renovation

There is always the dilemma of which heating system to choose: Radiators or underfloor heating. You will agree that heating is the best way to provide comfort and convenience at a reasonable price.

Consider the pros and cons of each heating system before you decide to install it at your home.

The most popular heating system currently in use, the radiator system, and underfloor heating by water have many similarities.

However, there are significant differences between them that should be considered to determine which one is the best. Also, if you are not sure how to do all this on your own you should get help from the best renovators available.


Which is better: Radiators or underfloor heating?

Professional advice is important when installing heating. The best system will adapt to the needs and characteristics of each space.

If you are considering a renovation that will include the installation of air conditioning, take a look at the pros and cons and compare them before making your decision.



It is much easier to install a series of radiators than to complete a radiant floor. However, the initial cost of soil can be more expensive, especially if the project involves lifting and re-soiling the pavement. Although it is more profitable in the long term, the initial cost will be higher.


Energy and economic savings

The temperature of the water running through the underfloor heating pipes is significantly lower than traditional radiators, as we’ve already mentioned.

Radiant heating is more efficient than traditional radiators. It requires less energy to reach the desired temperature, which in turn means a lower heating bill.


Heat distribution

Underfloor heating by water wins this contest by a wide margin. Remember that the tubes beneath the floor form a serpentine and reach almost the entire room. This is why the heat distribution system works well. However, radiators can be seen to increase in temperature as we get closer to them.

Radiator heating systems are only effective when there are enough devices and they are placed correctly so that heat does not concentrate in one area.


Temperature-reaching time you desire

Many find the high thermal inertia to be a major drawback to underfloor heating. The heating system can take a while to heat up, depending on how much space is being heated.

It will also keep the heat on for hours after it has been turned on, potentially wasting energy. Radiators are undoubtedly better than radiators in terms of their ability to reach the ideal temperature quickly.


Space use

Invisible heating is also known as underfloor heating. It takes up no space in the room. Radiators can limit your aesthetic and furniture choices. Also, if you are in Canada, you may want to know the cost of a bathroom renovation in Canada.


Air conditioning

The current underfloor heating can also be used as a cooling system by simply using cold water to refresh your floor.


Which is the best type of underfloor heating?

These examples will give you some ideas if you are still unsure about which system is right for you.

  • Underfloor heating is an option if your house is in construction, or you plan to make a complete renovation, including raising the sidewalk.
  • Radiators can cause serious problems if you don’t have enough space. They will subtract meters.
  • For spaces that are used continuously, underfloor heating is recommended. In these cases, a comfortable temperature is required almost every day. The radiator system is better if you need heating that only works during certain hours (e.g., in the morning or afternoon), and requires frequent switching on/off.
  • If you have a heat pump that allows hot/cold options, then underfloor heating can be used to cool your home.


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